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About Daniel he helps out with this site


This is about Daniel
This guy is a friend i have met over the internet and we both love Jackass. He was nice enough to help me with this website, I bet most of the people that will be looking at this site will be because of him. He is 14 goes to public school only boy in his family and he skates. His fav skater is Bam Margera and the signatures are what rake yohn got for him he's awesome. He has 2 older sisters. Nothin else left to say but that he is cool and sweet to help me with this site.

This is what Rake yohn got for Daniel it autographs from Jess Margera, Bam, Rake Yohn and Brandon Dicamillo u can't tell that good but it's there. Thta is why Rake Yohn is the man.

one of his fav link Bam

Here is two sites that Daniel likes


Bam skating


Jackass Rules